Body of Members

The Michigan Council of SHRM is comprised of the Executive Council, Core Leadership Area Directors, Functional Directors and Chapter Presidents of the (17) SHRM affiliate chapters throughout Michigan.

Executive Committee members are elected for 2-year terms. Detailed job descriptions for each position can be found below:

Executive Committee Job Descriptions

MISHRM State Director

Responsible To: MISHRM Council & SHRM North Central Regional Manager
Responsible For: Executive Committee
SHRM Status: Must be an SHRM member in good standing.
Certification Status: HRCI Certification preferred.
Experience Required: Must have served in a volunteer role of MISHRM state council.
Selection: This individual is selected via election per the MISHRM bylaws.
Term: This incumbent serves a two year term beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the following year. The individual will then serve an additional two year term on the same time schedule as the Immediate Past Director.
Purpose: Serves as the chief elected officer of the MISHRM State Council; Establishes policies, strategies and objectives; Provides guidance to all Council participants and interested parties; Supports, implements and advocates the SHRM positions and initiatives.
Participation Required: Attends all Executive Committee Mtgs.; Attends all two MISHRM Council Mtgs.; Attends SHRM Leadership, MISHRM Leadership, and SHRM National Conferences; Attends North Central Region Conference Calls and Meetings.
  • Manages the affairs of the MISHRM Council as the chief elected officer.
  • Presides over meetings of the Council.
  • Leads the Council by assigning responsibilities for achieving state, regional and national objectives; Directs the activities, plans and objectives of the Council.
  • Oversees the completion and submission of the State Council Achievement Plan (SCAP).
  • Coordinates Rewards and Recognition Program for the MISHRM Council.
  • Oversees the Council succession plan and assures all required positions are filled.
  • Recommends new or revised policies and procedures to increase organizational effectiveness.
  • Promotes SHRM, MISHRM and the HR Profession by personal appearances and speaking engagements among MISHRM chapters and community organizations.
  • Serves as a voting member representing Michigan's interests on the North Central Regional board or SHRM National Board as required.
  • Monitors and completes the minimal required activity related to your area of responsibility to achieve a Superior Merit Award.
  • Serves as a voting member of the MISHRM Council.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
NOTE: The Executive Committee reserves the right to make amendments, changes or exceptions to the job descriptions requirements.

MISHRM Director-Elect

Responsible To: MISHRM State Director
Responsible For: District Directors
SHRM Status: Must be an SHRM member in good standing.
Certification Status: HRCI Certification preferred.
Experience Required: Must have served in a volunteer role of MISHRM state council.
Selection: This individual is selected via election per the MISHRM bylaws.
Term: This incumbent serves a two year term beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the following year. The individual will then serve two additional two year terms on the same time schedule: one as MISHRM Director and one as MISHRM Immediate Past Director.
Purpose: Serves as an understudy to the MISHRM Director. Works with the Director to establish policies, strategies, and objectives consistent with SHRM policies. Provides guidance to MISHRM Council Members and other volunteers to assist in supporting SHRM and MISHRM objectives.
Participation Required: Attends all Executive Committee Mtgs.; Attends all two MISHRM Council Mtgs.; Attends MISHRM Leadership Conference; Attends SHRM National Leadership Conference.
  • Studies MISHRM Council Operations to assume the role as the successor to the MISHRM Director and manages the affairs of the Council in the absence of the Director.
  • Acts as a liaison between the District Directors (DDs) and the MISHRM Council and assists the DDs in planning the annual MISHRM Leadership Conference; Provides Executive Committee support and advocacy in all of their duties.
  • Manages State Council Achievement Plan (SCAP) Requirements and submits SCAP to SHRM prior to deadline.
  • Promotes SHRM, MISHRM and the HR Profession by personal appearances and speaking engagements among MISHRM chapters and community organizations.
  • Coordinates Rewards and Recognition Program for the Executive Committee.
  • Assists Executive Committee in conjunction with the MISHRM Membership Director and SHRM Regional Manager to identify and assist interested parties in affiliating as SHRM chapters in Michigan.
  • Assists in development of succession planning for the entire MISHRM Board.
  • Recommends new or revised policies and procedures or organizational changes to increase organizational effectiveness.
  • Provides for execution of regional and national SHRM Board decisions.
  • Monitors and completes the minimal required activity related to your area of responsibility to achieve a Superior Merit Award.
  • Serves as a voting member of the MISHRM Council.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
NOTE: The Executive Committee reserves the right to make amendments, changes or exceptions to the job descriptions requirements.

MISHRM Immediate Past State Director

Responsible To: MISHRM State Director
Responsible For: Providing guidance to the Executive Committing and sharing historical information.
SHRM Status: Must be an SHRM member in good standing.
Certification Status: HRCI Certification preferred.
Experience Required: Must have served in a volunteer role of MISHRM state council.
Selection: This individual is selected per the MISHRM bylaws (typically via election as Director Elect and following a six year succession plan).
Term: This incumbent serves a two year term beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the following year.
Purpose: Serves as a member of the MISHRM Council providing continuity in leadership. Provides advice and counsel to the State Director and handles special projects as assigned.
Participation Required: Attends all Executive Committee Mtgs.; Attends all two MISHRM Council Mtgs.; Attends MISHRM Leadership Conference.
  • Assists the MISHRM Council in maintaining the strategic goals and objectives. Provides a written quarterly report to the current status of goal and objective attainment.
  • Monitors insurance policies and obtains quotations where appropriate.
  • Directs special projects as assigned by the State Director.
  • Represents the MISHRM Council to SHRM chapters and the public as required.
  • Assists in the identification, recruitment and selection of future council leaders.
  • Oversees the orientation and training of new MISHRM Council members concerning the Council's vision, mission, activities, and expectations.
  • Recommends new or revised policies and procedures or organizational changes to increase organizational effectiveness.
  • Monitors and completes the minimal required activity related to your area of responsibility to achieve a Superior Merit Award.
  • Serves as a voting member of the MISHRM Council.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
NOTE: The Executive Committee reserves the right to make amendments, changes or exceptions to the job descriptions requirements.

MISHRM Secretary/Communications Director

Responsible To: MISHRM State Director
Responsible For:
SHRM Status: Must be an SHRM member in good standing.
Certification Status: HRCI Certification preferred.
Experience Required: Must have served in a volunteer role of MISHRM state council.
Selection: This individual is selected via election per the MISHRM bylaws.
Term: This incumbent serves a two year term beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the following year. The individual may be re-elected for one additional term on the same time schedule for a total service of four years.
Purpose: Serves as the recordkeeper of all MISHRM Council official documents. Coordinates and directs effective and timely MISHRM communications. Responsible for oversight of website.
Participation Required: Attends all (four) Executive Committee Mtgs.; Attends all two MISHRM Council Mtgs.; Attends MISHRM Leadership Conference; Attends SHRM National Leadership Conference preferred.
  • Prepares and distributes MISHRM Council meeting minutes for council meetings, executive committee meetings and any other appropriate meetings. Distributes appropriately including posting to the website. Updates and distributes MISHRM Council roster as often as changes are needed but on a minimum quarterly basis. Distributes appropriately including posting to the website.
  • Maintains accurate records of any MISHRM business matters. Prepares reports as requested by the MISHRM Director. Prepares miscellaneous correspondence as requested. Acts as historian and recordkeeper for all MISHRM Council official records (contracts, policies, bylaws, etc.)
  • Recommends new or revised policies, procedures, templates, etc. to increase organizational effectiveness.
  • Arranges for MISHRM Council meeting location(s), meals, and/or refreshments.
  • Prepares and coordinates the balloting process for officer election.
  • Manages the development and maintenance of Works with web hosting vendor to provide SHRM recommended material, links, logos, etc. Updates information timely to assure a professional representation of the MISHRM Council. Manages security access of website.
  • Manages the public relations activities of the MISHRM Council in conjunction with the Executive Committee.
  • Monitors and completes the minimal required activity related to your area of responsibility to achieve a Superior Merit Award.
  • Serves as a voting member of the MISHRM Council.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
NOTE: The Executive Committee reserves the right to make amendments, changes or exceptions to the job descriptions requirements.

MISHRM Treasurer

Responsible To: MISHRM State Director
Responsible For:
SHRM Status: Must be an SHRM member in good standing.
Certification Status: HRCI Certification preferred.
Experience Required: Must have served as a board member of an SHRM chapter.
Selection: This individual is selected via election per the MISHRM bylaws.
Term: This incumbent serves a two year term beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the following year. The individual may be re-elected for one additional term on the same time schedule for a total service of four years.
Purpose: To manage the financial operations of the MISHRM Council.
Participation Required: Attends all Executive Committee Mtgs.; Attends all two MISHRM Council Mtgs.; Attends MISHRM Leadership Conference; Attends SHRM National Leadership Conference.
  • Manages the fiscal responsibility of MISHRM per the bylaws.
  • Prepares, interprets, and disseminates periodic financial status reports to the Executive Committeee and to the MISHRM council.
  • Prepares the annual budget of revenue and expenses and submits to Executive Committee for approval each year.
  • Maintains all financial records of MISHRM as required by law. Completes and mails all required tax forms.
  • Executes and oversees W-9 preparation.
  • Reviews and pays all appropriate invoices submitted by MISHRM council members and designated conference liaisons.
  • Reviews the accounting and recordkeeping policies and procedures. Recommends changes as required to protect and ensure the financial health of the Council.
  • Manages the Council Quickbooks software and assigns appropriate user rights.
  • Recommends new or revised policies and procedures to increase organizational effectiveness.
  • Monitors and completes the minimal required activity related to your area of responsibility to achieve a Superior Merit Award.
  • Serves as a voting member of the MISHRM Council.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
NOTE: The Executive Committee reserves the right to make amendments, changes or exceptions to the job descriptions requirements.

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MISHRM's mission is to support the State SHRM chapters and serve the HR professionals (networking, development opportunities, best practice sharing) and serve as a conduit from our great state to SHRM.